Iceberg Meaning in Hindi

What is the translation of word Iceberg in Hindi?

Meaning of  Iceberg in Hindi is : हिमशैल

Definition of word Iceberg

  • a large floating mass of ice detached from a glacier or ice sheet and carried out to sea.

Other Meanings of Iceberg

  • NOUN

    हिम-शिला iceberg berg
    हिमशैल iceberg ice pick ice drift
  • MORE

    हिमपर्वत iceberg
    पानी पर बहती हुई बर्फ की शिला या चट्टान iceberg
    बर्फ का पहाड़ iceberg

Example Sentences

The environment in the Antarctic is magnificent with glaciers, icebergs and ice floes on a scale which is awe-inspiring.