Voodoo Meaning in Hindi

What is the translation of word Voodoo in Hindi?

Meaning of  Voodoo in Hindi is : जादू का

Definition of word Voodoo

  • a black religious cult practiced in the Caribbean and the southern US, combining elements of Roman Catholic ritual with traditional African magical and religious rites, and characterized by sorcery and spirit possession.
  • affect (someone) by the practice of voodoo.

Other Meanings of Voodoo


    जादू का magic voodoo necromantic magical
  • NOUN

  • VERB

    जादू करना enchant glamor fascinate conjure charm voodoo
    जादू कर देना cast a spell voodoo
  • MORE

    जादू का प्रयोग voodoo
    भूत आदि संबंधी जादू में विश्‍वास तथा जादू सदृश वस्‍तु जो वेस्‍ट इंडीज़ और संयुक्‍त राज्‍य के सिरोपिल्‍स और निग्रो जाति में प्रचलित है voodoo

Example Sentences

But it also plays with core elements of the Haitian voodoo tradition, of Caribbean magic, and of African rituals as well.