Shagbark Meaning in Hindi

What is the translation of word Shagbark in Hindi?

Meaning of  Shagbark in Hindi is : शेंगवार्क

Definition of word Shagbark

  • A rough-barked species of hickory (Carya alba), its nut. Called also shellbark. See Hickory.
  • The West Indian Pithecolobium micradenium, a legiminous tree with a red coiled-up pod.

Other Meanings of Shagbark

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    झबरा pilose head of hair scuttle shag-bark
    शेंगवार्क shag-bark
    सफेद हिकोरी (उत्तरी अमरीका का एक पेड़ जिसकी लकड़ी सख्त और भारी होती है) shag-bark
    जिसके बाल (बेतरतीब से) बढ़े हुए हों shag-bark