Prompter Meaning in Hindi

What is the translation of word Prompter in Hindi?

Meaning of  Prompter in Hindi is : प्रोत्साहक

Definition of word Prompter

  • a person seated out of sight of the audience who supplies a forgotten word or line to an actor during the performance of a play.

Other Meanings of Prompter

  • NOUN

    उसकानेवाला prompter abettor
    प्रोत्साहक prompter persuader feeder
    अनुबोधक prompter memorandum
  • MORE

    आमादा या प्रोत्‍साहित करने वाला prompter
    उकसाने या बढ़ावा देने वाला prompter
    (थियेटर) प्रॉम्‍प्‍टर prompter

Example Sentences

This is a live recording, and the prompter , audience, and stage movement all make their presence known.