Patroon Meaning in Hindi

What is the translation of word Patroon in Hindi?

Meaning of  Patroon in Hindi is : जागीरदार

Other Meanings of Patroon

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    जागीरदार landocrat lord of the manor patroon seigneur
    वह जागीरदार और ज़मींदार जिसे न्‍ययार्क और न्‍यू जर्सी की डच सरकार मे जागीर संबंधी अधिकार प्राप्‍त थे patroon
    डच ज़मींदार patroon

Example Sentences

At first, the rights of the Dutch were maintained, and many prominent families, such as the De Peysters, who were descendants of Dutch patroons , continued to be a cultural, mercantile, and political force.