Calefactory Meaning in Hindi

What is the translation of word Calefactory in Hindi?

Meaning of  Calefactory in Hindi is : गरमानेवाला

Definition of word Calefactory

  • Making hot; producing or communicating heat.
  • An apartment in a monastery, warmed and used as a sitting room.
  • A hollow sphere of metal, filled with hot water, or a chafing dish, placed on the altar in cold weather for the priest to warm his hands with.

Other Meanings of Calefactory


    गरमानेवाला warming calefactory
    गरम करनेवाला calefactory
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    गर्मी पहुँचाने या पैदा करनेवाला calefactory
    मठ का ग़र्म कमरा calefactory