Aliquot Meaning in Hindi

What is the translation of word Aliquot in Hindi?

Meaning of  Aliquot in Hindi is : विभाज्य

Definition of word Aliquot

  • a portion of a larger whole, especially a sample taken for chemical analysis or other treatment.
  • divide (a whole) into aliquots; take aliquots from (a whole).

Other Meanings of Aliquot


    विभाज्य aliquot multiple
    भाग करने योग्य multiple divisible aliquot
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    अशेष भाजक aliquot
    नि:शेष भाजक aliquot
    पूरा भाग देने वाली संख्या aliquot
    किसी संख्या का ऐसा भाजक जिससे भाग देने पर कुछ शेष न बचे aliquot
    किसी पूर्ण विभाजक संख्या का या उक्त संख्या संबंधी aliquot

Antonyms for Aliquot

Example Sentences

The pellets were resuspended and two aliquots withdrawn for analysis.